Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I'm betting you have seen the mistle"toe" foot print craft all over Pinterest. Well, here's another one, but with my spin on it.

If you want to do it exactly like I did, here's what you'll need:
Table Sign 
Spray paint
Acrylic craft paint
Elmer's spray adhesive
Hot glue gun
Jingle Bells
Paint Brushes
Clear nail polish (I'll explain)

I was strolling through Hobby Lobby looking for inspiration, and I found unfinished wood table signs. Perfect! I also grabbed some unfinished wooden picture frames (easier to ship) for out-of-town grandparents. I didn't think to take a picture of the blank table sign...oops!

First I trimmed the back of the frames with painter's tape so the spray paint wouldn't bleed onto the back (it didn't stop it completely, but oh well)
Then I spray painted, but I didn't realize how unfinished wood sucks up paint. It's like a sponge! I had to go over it with a paintbrush. Once it was sufficiently coated white, I taped my stencil on with painter's tape and used a sponge brush to apply my acrylic paint. (I had to share my craft space with a somewhat meddlesome, little coworker)

Once my paint was dry, I taped around the bottom  of the pedestal. Then I coated it with Elmer's adhesive spray and sprinkled with glitter. If you find a non-messy way of doing this, PLEASE tell me. I noticed that the glitter kept falling off after that, and so I decided to spray again with glue after the glitter was applied. Unfortunately, it did dull the shine a bit, but I'd rather have dull glitter than patchy, bald spots of glitter.  

Then I recruited help for the footprints. I was the most nervous about this step, because two year old boys are known to be rambunctious and unpredictable. I need not have worried. Little Man did splendidly! He thought it tickled, and I gave him a huge lollipop to distract him.
* Helpful hint* I put him in his booster seat (so he couldn't run away), and I used a plastic bag to shield the chair from the paint. 

After  the paint dried (again), I taped off the top decorative piece and painted it with metallic, gold, acrylic paint. Also, I used a black paint pen for the lettering. 

Relax you're almost done! Here's the last step: Make a bow around a piece of wire. After you've made the bow, string the bells onto the wire, twist closed and snip the excess. 

After you've got the bow just the way you want it, use clear nail polish to keep the ends of the ribbon from unraveling. Once that is done, use a hot glue gun to secure the bow in place. 

Viola! Here are the finished products of Little Man's Christmas craft!